Queer Writers of Crime

Recommendation: Philip Discusses One of Richard Stevenson's Final Novels

July 07, 2022 Episode 133
Queer Writers of Crime
Recommendation: Philip Discusses One of Richard Stevenson's Final Novels
Show Notes

Ep: 133 Before his death, Richards Stevenson wrote what he hoped would be the first novel in a new series Knock Off the Hat: A Clifford Waterman Gay Philly Mystery. In this episode Philip shares his thoughts about the novel, plus he and Brad chat a bit about Richard's life. Before the episode wraps up Brad shares exciting news with Philip.

Podcast Website:   www.queerwritersofcrime.com
Check out Queer Writers of Crime Guest's blog.

To cover the cost of producing Queer Writers of Crime, some of the links below are affiliate links. At zero cost to you, Brad will earn an affiliate commission if you click through the link and finalize a purchase.

Get a Kindle Paperwhite:

Knock Off the Hat by Richard Stevenson

Amble Press Website

Tribute to Richard Stevenson

ReQueered Tales  requeeredtales.com
Re-publishing award-winning, post-Stonewall gay and lesbian fiction — with a focus on mystery, literary and horror/sci-fi genres.

Brad's Website: bradshreve.com

Kindly give to The Trevor Project  https://www.thetrevorproject.org/
a much-needed charity focusing not only suicide prevention for LGBTQ youth, but also helps to get answers and information to support them and connect with an international community of LGBTQ youth aged 13 - 24.

The three year run of Queer Writers of Crime was fantastic but no new episodes are being made. Therefore, some links may not work. Be sure to check out Brad's new podcast, Queer We Are, where he interviews LGBTQ celebrities, athletes, activists, politicians, and more. You can find it at queerweare.com