Queer Writers of Crime
Queer Writers of Crime
Jeffrey Round: The Definition of a Renaissance Man
Ep: 152 Jeffrey Round returns to talk extensively about his writing career plus his work as a model, film maker, musician, and poet. Where does his carefree attitude come from. It was an honor to have him as the last guest on Queer Writers of Crime.
Jeffrey's Website:
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A Cage of Bones by Jeffrey Round
Jeffrey Round's Amazon Page
Jeffrey Round is best known as the Lambda Award-winning author of two mystery series--the gritty Dan Sharp books and the comic Bradford Fairfax series. He is also an award-winning filmmaker, television producer and songwriter. His first novel, "A Cage of Bones", was topping bestseller lists around the world. Both "A Cage of Bones" and "The P-Town Murders," first in the Bradford Fairfax series were listed on AfterElton's Top 100 Greatest Gay Books in 2008. Jeffrey's "Endgame" was called a "brilliant recreation" of Agatha Christie's best-selling mystery "And Then There Were None", giving the original what one critic called a "punk-rock reboot." It became a best-selling e-book in the US in 2016.
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The three year run of Queer Writers of Crime was fantastic but no new episodes are being made. Therefore, some links may not work. Be sure to check out Brad's new podcast, Queer We Are, where he interviews LGBTQ celebrities, athletes, activists, politicians, and more. You can find it at queerweare.com